Artist Collections

All of our designs are created in house as a small creative team.
We each have our own styles and specialise in different areas of design from typography and photography to illustration and fine art.

Have a browse of our Artist Collections and see for yourself!

  • Claire Barlow BA (Hons) ClaireyGraphy Creator of typographical prints and digital designs for Bright Bear Designs

    Claire Barlow BA (Hons)

    Digital Designer & Photographer

  • Kitty Moran BA (Hons) Fine Artist and digital illustrator and web designer. Creator of Kitastrophe artworks for Bright Bear Designs

    Kitty Moran BA (Hons)

    Fine Artist & Graphic Designer

  • Lily Moran Digital Illustrator and artist of many mediums. Creator of Stargazer Lily for Bright Bear Designs

    Lily Moran

    Illustrator & Digital Designer